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SCDC’s Transition Program for Young Adults with Special Needs (YAWSN)

SCDC’s Transition Program for Young Adults with Special Needs (YAWSN)

STEPPING STONES (SCDC) TRANSITION PROGRAM is an excellent training facility for independent living skills in a real life environment, rather than the classroom. This program is intended for young adults with special needs ages 14 years old and up.

The Stepping Stones (SCDC)’s Life Centered Career Education Transition program has been designed to support students to meet independent living goals based on their Individual Transition Plan (ITP). When participating in the program students are supported by his Case Manager. He/She works with the students to enable them in their day to day routines and planned programs in the areas of daily living,personal-social, and occupational guidance and Career Preparation.

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EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM (Students ages 1.8 – 7 YO) – every child is assessed and provided with an IEP and IFSP—because we believe that programs to be effective parents will be our partners in the implementation of the program.


SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROGRAM – provides assessment, treatment, and consultation for children with a broad range of communication disorders. In addition to treating individual students and clients, we provide training, support and education to caregivers, teachers, families and loved ones. Our clinicians have a wealth of experience with a variety of communication disorders resulting from developmental delays, neuro-developmental & intellectual disabilities, phonological and articulation disorders, learning differences, and acquired brain injuries. We serve children, with specialized expertise and training in treating individuals with autism spectrum disorder, children birth to three years old, and nonverbal or minimally verbal clients with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and technology needs. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY – focuses on helping children achieve independence in all areas of their lives. OT can help kids with various needs improve their cognitive, physical, and motor skills and enhance their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS (A.B.A) – an effective clinical approach for children with Autims, Sensory Processing Disorders, behavior problems among other things. READING PROGRAM for children with reading and writing difficulties – one-on-one intervention that will greatly improve the spelling, reading, and writing skills of children, teenagers or adults who struggle due to dyslexia and dygraphia and other specific learning difficulties. HOME BASED THERAPEUTIC SERVICES /SPED PROGRAM – are specialized, intensive educational/therapeutic services are provided according to an approved individualized treatment/educational plan. Services are provided in the child’s home or other age-appropriate community setting. Ongoing parent participation is required to maximize what is learned during treatment. HBTS services are offered to enable a child to participate in his or her family and community more by helping to improve communication, behavioral, psycho-social and developmental skills.


Operating Hours:
Monday-Saturday: 8:30am – 5:30pm

Visit Us:
2nd Flr., Uniwide Sales Metromall,
#43 Real St., Pamplona, Las Piñas City


Tel. No. 8524-6595

Telefax. 8524-6595

Mobile Nos. 09088146908, 09228343272

