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Contact Us for more information.

Resources for Educational & Allied Consultancy Habitat (R.E.A.C.H.), Inc. 2nd Flr., Uniwide Sales Metromall, #43 Real St., Pamplona, Las Piñas City Tel. Nos. (02) 873-3438 / (02) 871-5167 Mobile Nos. 09338671093 / 0922-834-3270 to 3272

Writing Smart Individualized Education Plan & Learn Its Anatomy

Writing Smart Individualized Education Plan & Learn Its Anatomy

Dates: April 20-22, 2018

Venue: R.E.A.C.H. Inc., 2nd Flr., Uniwide Sales Metro Mall,#43 Real St. Pamplona, Las Piñas City

  Overview: Each IEP must be designed for one student and must be a truly individualized document. The IEP creates an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel, and students (when appropriate) to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities. The IEP is the cornerstone of a quality education for each child with a disability. To create an effective IEP, parents, teachers, other school staff–and often the student–must come together to look closely at the student’s unique needs. These individuals pool knowledge, experience and commitment to design an educational program that will help the student be involved in, and progress in, the general curriculum. The IEP guides the delivery of special education supports and services for the student with a disability. Without a doubt, writing–and implementing–an effective IEP requires teamwork.   Objectives: At the end of the three (3) day seminar-workshops, the participants will:
  1. Gain understanding in the relevance of comprehensive assessment process to be translated into an IEP
  2. Develop knowledge about the rights of the child with special needs in an inclusive education program;
  3.  Advance understanding about Least restrictive environment;
  4.  Provide modification and accommodation in an inclusive setting
  5.  Create data, monitoring and graphs
  6.  Learn how to modify in what is taught or expected of a student (modified promotional criteria).
  7.  Acquire understanding on various accommodations that can be articulated in an IEP; Articulate recommendations on various supports to help a child learn in the gen-ed with the sue of supplementary aids and services;
  8.  Write SMART goals. and list down the academic and functional skills;
  9.  Develop an Individualized Transition Plan as an integral part of an IEP for students age 16 to 21;

Who are invited?

  • School administrators/Principals
  •  Regular and SPED teachers
  • Curriculum Developers
  • Guidance Counselors
  •  Social and Health workers
  •  Professionals from related disciplines (e.g., Psychologists, Occupational, Speech-Language, Physical Therapists, ABA specialist, etc.)
  •  College Administrators, College Professors/ Instructors, College/MA/Ph.D. Students


Operating Hours:
Monday-Saturday: 8:30am – 5:30pm

Visit Us:
2nd Flr., Uniwide Sales Metromall,
#43 Real St., Pamplona, Las Piñas City


Tel. No. 8524-6595

Telefax. 8524-6595

Mobile Nos. 09088146908, 09228343272

